JUMP!STAR Festival Workshop

By NoMa Business Improvement District (other events)

Thursday, March 3 2016 6:30 PM 8:30 PM EST

It’s a little-known fact that the North Star that was overhead when the pyramids were built is not the same star as our North Star now (Polaris). And because of a slight wobble in the Earth’s orbit, we’ll have a completely different North Star in about a thousand years. A transition on the celestial scale should be properly celebrated! 

JUMP!STAR is that celebration. It’s an attempt to invent the cultural traditions – the songs, dances, food, and decorations – that can be passed down through generations to celebrate the eventual changing of the North Star. Artist George Ferrandi is working in partnership with Washington Project for the Arts and NoMa BID to develop this cosmic event for the fall of 2016, and we want to invite you to be part of it from the beginning.

Join JUMP!STAR  at NoMa BID in the Lobby Project for the first of what we’re calling “cloud seeding sessions” – workshops where you can hear more about the science and art behind the JUMP!STAR project, meet some lovely people, have snacks, and learn ways that you, your family, class or organization can be involved. There’s a lot of really fun inventing to be done!